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Black cats have long been believed to have the power to control human destiny.
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In Western culture, black cats are often thought to bring bad luck to those who see them and their owners. The belief largely stems from their association with witchcraft during the Middle Ages. Sorcerers and witches were expected to have an animal familiar, a demonic spirit who helped them with wicked deeds. These familiars usually took the form of owls, toads or cats – especially black ones. Black cats might have even been witches in disguise themselves, the women supposedly possessing the power to transform into black animals.
The Pilgrims who settled America brought with them to the New World the belief of the black cat’s capacity to bring about calamity. Anyone caught keeping a black cat as a pet was severely punished in early towns for fear its presence would jeopardise the fate of the entire community. Due to its wicked connotations, the black cat became a popular Halloween decoration and costume, and continues as one of the foremost symbols of the holiday.
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Yet black cats were not always thought to bring misfortune in the Western world. Whilst a cat crossing your path was usually a sure omen death and suffering would befall your family, in Germany it hinged on the direction the cat went. From right to left, and you were in for a bad spell. From left to right however, you were sure to have happiness in store.
Sailors would seldom leave port without a cat on board. Not only were they useful for ridding the ship of mice, which were apt to chew through ropes and bring disease, they were thought to ensure the ship would return safely home. Whilst any cat would bring luck, the black cat, at sea, was the luckiest of all. Sometimes fisherman’s wives would keep black cats whilst waiting for their husbands to return, hoping the good luck of their companion would carry over to him on his journeys.
King Charles I owned a black cat considered so vital to his good fortune he had it permanently guarded for fear of its loss. The story goes it died the day before Oliver Cromwell rose to power and he was dethroned and beheaded – which certainly was an unlucky turn of events.
In Eastern cultures, black cats have almost always been considered harbingers of good fortune. In Japan, it is believed a lady who shares her home with a black cat is destined to have many suitors.
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Whatever the folklore of the past, owners of black cats today know they make wonderful companions and they are lucky to have them.
1. The hardest thing about preparing sushi is not eating all the fish before the guests arrive. Don’t be tempted by that tasty, rich, fresh, juicy, tender fish.
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2. Oh come on, just a little taste. You’ll love it I promise. Just one incy-wincy kitten sized taste.
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3. Only the tiniest of paw-pinches should do the trick for this recipe.
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4. Remember to have fun with your baking and add a little of your own personality. Isn’t this cake simply adorable! And cute and intelligent and talented… oooooh and so pretty…
5. One invaluable tip my nonna from Bologna taught me was to always warm the pasta before cooking. It gives it the most amazing texture.
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6. Once the pastry feels firm to the paw and looks shiny, then the pie is ready to be enjoyed.
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7. It’s really important to make sure there are no lumps. Any lumpy bits can be stored on your chin and whiskers for later.
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8. Excuse me but this roast DOES NOT need more seasoning!
9. Oh hi, umm, you’re right there. So, you’re meant to put your paws right in the cake mix. I’ve seen Nigella do it I swear to you.
10. Job well done indeed. Happy kitties means a happy chef.
With its remarkable dreadlocks, the Hungarian Puli is an unforgettable breed of dog.
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The breed was introduced over a thousand years ago when the Magyrs, a subset of the nomadic Huns, migrated to Hungary from Central Asia. Originally, the Puli was developed as a herding dog, intended to assist shepherds guide and guard flocks of sheep. The breed bears a strong resemblance to the Komondor, another Hungarian breed with a similar tightly corded coat. The Puli and Komondor traditionally worked in tandem with one another to protect livestock from attack from the ever-present threat of wolves.
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The much larger Komondor was tasked with watching over the flocks at night whilst the energetic Puli guarded and herded the sheep during the day. Should the presence of wolves in the area ever be detected by the Puli, it would alert the Komondor, and together they would chase them away. Today, the Puli retain their strong protective instincts and will fiercely defend their owners and home if it is threatened.
So valued was the Puli it was common for a shepherds to pay a year’s wages for one of the little dogs – even as recently as the 1950’s. There is a saying in Hungary: “He’s not a dog, he’s a Puli.”
The Puli’s unusual coat traditionally provided it with good protection against wolf bites, as if bitten, the wolf would get a mouthful of fur rather than the dog itself. It is also entirely waterproof and does not shed, the latter quality recently making it a popular choice amongst those with allergies.
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The Puli is usually black in colour, but also comes in white, gray and cream. It is thought shepherds preferred black dogs as they were easier to spot amongst the sheep.
It takes four years for the Puli’s coat to reach the ground. It requires careful maintenance to keep it in good condition and to prevent the cords mildewing. It can take two days without a hair dryer for a Puli to naturally dry.
Puli are intelligent, energetic and strong-willed dogs that are always busy around the house and are a good choice for active dog owners who like to make a statement.
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Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most famous owners of the unusual dog.
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We are used to seeing poodles sport unusual hairstyles beside their fellow dogs – but the poodles at the annual Groom Expo take canine coiffuring to a whole new level.
Every year, extreme pet stylists converge on Hershey, Pennsylvania to create elaborate and, often mind-bogglingly bizarre, living works of art from the canvas of their dog’s fur.
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After months of preparation, groomers have two hours on site to put their masterwork together. An intense bout of colouring and mad shearing ensues before the poodles are paraded before the judges.
Competition is fierce. A winner can easily take home $30,000 USD for a top entry.
The results are nothing if not imaginative. Poodles are transformed into camels and horses, linebackers and dragons.
Photographer Ren Netherland, a former Navy officer, is fascinated by the culture that has developed around the event. He travels every year from his home in Florida to capture the unusual world of competitive grooming and the designs the poodle lovers produce. His photographs have opened up an otherwise closed circle to the public eye.
He says whilst the, the competition can seem a little strange to outsiders, it is far from cruel. The poodles are pampered and seem to quite enjoy the spotlight.
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1. "It's you're, not your"
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2. "Well of course cats are superior to dogs."
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3. "This is my thinking cap."
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4. "Just studying for my exam."
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5. "Do you mind if I read the paper in peace?"
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6. "I'm the total package: brains and beauty."
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7. "Hmmmph!"
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8. "What is it like in your funny little brains?"
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9. "Silence human! I'm reading about the String theory."
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10. "Please, leave me be with my thoughts."
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Dogs and cats are the ultimate human companions in contemporary society. So much so, that people end up self-identifying as either one type of person or another. Dogs win the popularity contest easily, in both terms of ownership and self-identification. More people like dogs, and more people own them. What’s really interesting about pet ownership is what it says about the pet owners. According to recent studies, someone who considers themselves a cat person is more likely to be independent, creative, and somewhat neurotic. Whereas dog people end up being more eager to please, conscientious, and extroverted. These are of course, only slight differences, in between the 10 to 20 percent range, but are interesting findings nonetheless.
These traits make perfect sense even at first glance. Dog ownership consists of attentive and hands on care, as well as a great deal of social interaction. Cats on the other hand require far less upkeep, and a more individualistic sort of companionship than can be expected from the pack animal mentality of their canine counterparts. The slightly off-kilter attitude of cats, their--shall we say finicky nature has had a very negative impact on their popularity. People are considerably more likely to be anti-cat, and anti-cat owner than with dogs. Though by looking through internet memes, you’d never guess it.
This cat discrimination is probably due to a cat’s antisocial instincts. Cats are territorial creatures as well as fierce and formidable predators. For their size, they pack a lot of power and sharp surfaces into an adorable little package. People often misunderstand the best way to approach cats or take offense at their perceived snotty attitudes. It also doesn’t help that lonely spinsters occasionally settle in large houses with more than ten of them dwelling within. This all adds up to a negative vision of cats and cat people overall.
However, this is a woefully inaccurate portrayal of only a single aspect of cats and their people. Cat resourcefulness, intelligence, and dynamic aptitude at problem solving can be witnessed in their owners as well. A recent British study cited in an article by The Telegraph reveals that cat owners are much more likely to have degrees from a university than dog owners are. Of course, this can be attributed to working longer hours and choosing a pet that better fits their lifestyles, but it is a curious coincidence.
Dog people on the other hand don’t really suffer from any negative stereotypes. Unless they own pit bulls, but that’s a stigma that’s due in the most part to the savage and deplorable practice of dog fighting. Dogs generally get along well with anyone that doesn’t mind a wagging tail and the occasional lick on the face. Dog owners as well, have that reputation for being extroverts. It’s even rumored that single guys have been using puppies as an effective way to meet women… And by rumored, I mean confirmed. It totally works.
Just make sure you’re adopting your pet for the right reasons!
“I buried my best bone but my girlfriend stole it and gave it to the Beagle next door”
A compilation of the best canine country covers.
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1. Rawhide
“Rollin,’ rollin,’ rollin’ – keep them corgis rollin’. Taking a leaf out of The Blues Brothers’ performance book, The Paw Brothers surprised critics with their showmanship when they released this classic.
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2. Pawhide
Every success spurns a parody and none is better than ‘Pawhide’ by Weird Al Barkovic whose chants of “Bowlin’, bowlin’, bowlin’ and the hilarious video became a viral sensation.
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3. King of the Road
This ode, embracing the freedom that being poor can provide, has never sounded better than from the furiously smacking cheeks of Hank Furry.
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4. Boys from the Bush
And they’re definitely back in town! Ladies watch out for members of the Outback Club – unless of course you want an unforgettable Saturday.
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5. Where have all the Cowdogs Gone?
Dusty Springerfield’s forlorn tale of failing love tugged at the heartstrings of many music fans.
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6. Duncan
As Spot and Dot sang, “I love to have a beer with Duncan, ‘cos Duncan’s me mate,” Australian dogs rejoiced at the updated version of Slim Dusty’s iconic ‘tail’ of friendship.
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7. Jolene
The stunning lady featured in the video for Daisy Doggone’s cover of ‘Jolene’ encapsulates perfectly Dolly Parton’s vision of an incomparable beauty, whose flaming auburn hair and eyes of emerald green sets men’s hearts wagging.
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1. There's a new king of the jungle in town.
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2. Inspired by Rio perhaps?
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3. Cowabunga!
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4. If giraffes had short necks:
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5. That is a purrfect tiger disguise!
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6. "Stop! Hammer time!"
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7. This is pandamonium!
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8. The "camel"flage look.
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9. Stinks to be this pup...
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10. Move over Seabiscuit!
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11. Is he black with white stripes or white with black stripes?
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12. Even more rare than the American Buffalo is the Buffalo Poodle.
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13. Elephant + Tiger = Elepher?
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14. All eyes were definitely on this poodle...
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We take a look at some of the sporting world’s quiet achievers.
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1. Keep your eye on the ball at all times
Despite some questionable plays around the net, nothing gets past this master tabby of table tennis.
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2. Point scoring pooch.
Petey could teach the Harlem Globetrotters a thing or two, although slam dunking has always been a little out of his reach.
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3. Was it a hole in one? I couldn’t bear to look
Sometimes in life, it’s not whether you win or lose but how you play the game, the sportsdoglike character you bring to the competition and, of course, your snazzy fairway fashion.
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4. Doggie paddle? Puh-lease!
She’s the Queen of the pool. Her amazing talent was discovered when she was spotted fearlessly diving into deep water and chasing fish as a mere kitten.
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5. A winning woof team
In the history of Extreme Fetch, there’s been no better pairing. Other competitors don’t come within a sniff of these Labs when they have their prize in their sight.
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6. Captain Courageous
Known as The Siamese Slammer, this super featherweight boxer is renowned for taking down the most formidable of opponents without hesitation.
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7. The Greatest of them all
Is there anything Tillman the Bulldog can’t ride? Skateboards, snowboards, surfboards and skimboards are no match for this guy – and who would have thought he’d such grace while doing it!
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First there was Grumpy Cat, then Lil Bub, and now there's Sir Stuffington, Menswear Dog - and of course, we can't forget Boo! These four-legged personalities are better known by name than many of our world leaders! So when it comes to the highest follower count, the most social media channels, who is top dog (or top cat?) Pet Bucket has broken it all down for you - it's time for the ultimate internet pet showdown!
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